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Imposter Syndrome
Sunday 27th March 2022





About the Day

Do you lack self-belief and struggle with confidence?
You have a project or career you want to pursue but feel:

- Like a fraud
- Inadequate
- Unworthy
- Undeserving
- Not knowledgeable or capable or experienced enough
- You're worried that people will see the "truth" about you

FACT: People who don’t feel like impostors are no more intelligent, capable, qualified, or talented than those who do. They just think different thoughts. That’s why the only way to stop feeling like an impostor, is to stop thinking like an impostor.

This day will give you tools to:
- Feel more confident and capable
- Become conscious of the true brilliance within you
- Free your mind of the limiting beliefs that hold you back
- Completely endorse and acknowledge your vision of who you are
- Step into your power
- Give yourself permission to proceed to the next level

You will get super clear on what REALLY lights your fire (so you know you're following the right path and not deluding yourself), then go through a process that will open your mind to your full amazingness.

Your Instructors

Charlie Merton & Amy Slevin

About Charlie

Charlie is a music therapist and qualified crystal and energy healer. She specialises in yin yoga and sound & gong baths. Her gong baths are a sublime blend of gongs and other instruments, the vibrations from which have a profound soothing and transformative effect on body and soul. She does one-to-one energetic medicine healing and sound therapy for people of all ages as well as providing gong bath trainings for adults.

About Amy

Amy is a mental skills coach who loves seeing people have “ah ha” moments, overcome the stuff that holds them back and give themselves permission to embrace their full nature and do what they truly love. She helps people work through their relationship difficulties and is particularly fascinated by pain, illness and the mind-body connection and relishes helping people transform their situations, do more of what they love and turn shit to gold!

Charlie Merton & Amy Slevin
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